Preliminary Program
Monday may 12:
AtLAST Project
10h00-10h30 Claudia Cicone - AtLAST Project
10h30-11h00 Tony Mroczkowski - Design
11h00-11h30 Sabrina Sartori - Environnement/Energy study
11h30-12h00 Carlos de Breuck - Site selection
12h00-13h30: Lunch
AtLAST in context
13h30-13h50: - IRAM [TBC]
13h50-14h10: Andreas Lundgren - Single-dish Context
14h10-14h30: Chiara Ferrari - SKA
14h30-14h50: Sébastien Maret - ALMA-2030/2040
14h50-15h20: French Institutional Context & Discussion
15h20-15h50: Coffee break
Sub-mm and mm Instrumentation
15h50-16h20: Benjamin Quertier - Backends (GPU and FGPA electronic)
16h20-16h50: Martino Calvo - Large KIDS-array camera
16h50-17h20: Usasi Chowdhury - KIDS spectroscopy on ship
17h20-17h50: Vincent Reveret - Polarised bolometer camera
Tuesday 13:
Sub-mm and mm Instrumentation (cont.)
09h00-09h30: - Multi-beam heterodyne [TBC]
09h30-10h00: Greta Guidi - Heterodyne polarimetry
10h00-10h30: Discussion
10h30-11h00: Coffee break
Sub-mm and mm data reduction and analysis:
- 11h30-12h00: Jérôme Pety - Heterodyne
Sub-mm and mm data reduction and analysis (cont.)
- 13h30-14h00: Ada Nebot, - Data sharing/visualisation
Science impact:
16h00-16h30: - Interstellar chemistry [TBC]
17h00-17h30: Timea Csengeri - Stellar formation
17h30-18h00: Romane Le Gal - Protoplanetary disks and protoplanets
Wednesday 14:
Science impact (cont.)
09h00-09h30: Susanna Vergani - Time Domain Astrophysics
09h30-10h00: Antoine Gusdorf - SuperNova Remnants
10h00-10h30: Nathalie Ysard - Dust Grain Polarisation Models
10h30-11h00: Coffee break
11h00-11h30: Annie Hughes - Nearby galaxies
11h30-12h00: Thibaut Cavalié - Solar System
12h00-13h30: Lunch
13h30-14h00: Katarina Kraljic - Large Scale Structure
14h00-14h30: Matthieu Béthermin - Clustering of star forming galaxies from intensity and polarisation
14h30-15h00: Nicolas Laporte - First galaxies and reionisation
15h00-15h30: Benjamin Magnelli - Cosmic evolution of galaxies
15h30-16h00: Rémi Adam - Galaxy clusters
16h00-17h00: Discussion
17h00-17h30: Conclusion